Europython – Day 2 – Tutorials

Today’s notable achievements were that I managed to stay on power and network for most of the day. Mostly due to the fact that I lucked out to get a seat next to a power bar in the lecture theatre holding Luke Leighton’s Pyjamas tutorial. I was interested in Pyjamas for a web project I may have to get up and running quite quickly over the summer. Although there were some rocky patches due to SVN mismatches I mostly managed to get a handle on how Pyjamas works. As a note to future tutors: if you need your tutees to download the trunk from SVN it’s probably best to specify the revision that works. This avoids everyone turning up with a version of your code that won’t run the examples. Also, I still don’t understand decorators.

Today’s buffet lunch was nice. Props to the conference organisers.

The day was nicely rounded off by dinner at a fine indian restaurant and a pint of very nice beer in the Wellington. Looking forward to the start of the conference proper.